Going to work abroad is one of those decisions that can change life in a radical way. The emotions involved are many, things to organize even more. To help you in this important process here there are 5 things to consider if you decide to emigrate.
A small premise is a must: the variables involved can change significantly depending on age or for example, whether you live alone or in company, if it is a country on the border with yours or overseas. In any case, you can best prepare yourself by being well informed about the country of your choice.
There is no perfect country at all. It is always necessary to refer to one’s personal situation, which clearly has to be improved compared to the initial one.
You should also remember that there are considerable differences in job opportunities between regions in the European Union and that the situation can change very quickly.
Working abroad, but also simply living without knowing the local language is very difficult. It is true that learning time is reduced considerably on the spot, but the isolation and discomfort resulting from not being able to communicate can represent a major obstacle in the initial phase, as well as requiring a huge amount of energy to be inserted as soon as possible.
The knowledge of the language is essential to look for work and in the job itself, but also moments of leisure and daily life. So it is better to organize yourself on time and maybe follow a basic course.
These are aspects that, especially the youngest, usually do not pay due attention: the cost of living, the need for visas or special permits to enter the country, how to get citizenship by residence, how to rent an apartment and open a bank account. It will also be essential to learn about how the health system works and welfare (such as bonuses and incentives, for example, can be requested).
On the EURES job mobility website you can find job vacancies, information on living and working conditions, labour market information as well as links to other useful information. You can also contact a local or regional area adviser’s office who can provide you with more personalised advice.
What are the first steps to move to find work across the border? First of all, it is necessary to study the reference market in order to identify in which Countries its profile is more desirable and requested.
Regarding the drafting of the curriculum, it should be remembered that the structure of the curriculum for the Anglo-Saxon countries, for example, is very well defined: no too imaginative or extravagant presentations. Better to be concise and help yourself with numbers and percentages and do not forget the cover letter.
Check the vacancy advertisements in the newspapers of your “host” country (major public libraries will usually receive them on a regular basis). Remember that many specialized magazines advertise vacancies for particular professional fields. Ask to speak to a EURES adviser who is experienced in helping foreign citizens.
Conditions that all those who leave their city are facing sooner or later. For those who leave with family and children, the impact is certainly sweet and mitigated but for those who leave and go to live alone, returning home in the evening can really represent the most difficult time of the day; or still have no one to chat or have a coffee at the bar or to go out on Saturday night or spend Sundays.
Thanks to social networks, it should not be too difficult to build a small network of contacts that can help you in the early days: look for groups of Italians abroad, if you are students’ access the sites of the faculty, if you work instead look for compatriots between your colleagues.
You are not alone!
Thousands of Europeans have decided to live and work abroad. Would you like more information and know how to find a job and move to Malta? Send your CV to info@prolution.info.